
Cairngorms National Park, Scotland


While out walking I stopped in my tracks as this little juvenile dotterel approached me on the path.  It was busy looking for food and was not at all bothered by my presence.  There was no sign of the male so this little bird was fully independent.  I took some images and left it in it’s pursuit of food before the sun set.

Over the last thirty years, National Surveys led by the RSPB and Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) have revealed dramatic declines in dotterel numbers across the UK and are now a red listed species.

As this bird is confined to a specific habitat and is vulnerable to disturbance by hill walkers. Dogs should be kept under close control when on high tops during spring and summer.


Field Notes

Camera: Nikon D700

Lens: Nikon 300mm F4 + x1.4 Converter

Aperture: F7.1

Exposure: 1/2500 sec

ISO: 1600