Autumn Gold

Glen Affric, Scotland


Taken on my weeks holiday in the hope the weather would be kind enough to me to capture some autumn colour locally.  Weather forecasts were so changeable I had to base my decision in the morning.  Weather was looking good in the West so I opted for Glen Affric.  Conditions were misty and as the sun was rising it was beginning to burn off, so I knew time was limited to capture it in the landscape.  Once I reached this location it had almost burnt off but provided just enough to give enough atmosphere but as the sun rose up and illuminated the bracken the whole landscape just turned to gold.   I wanted to capture the whole view that was presented to me and with the conditions changing rapidly I had no time to set up the tripod, and with no filtration I handheld the panorama, in fact it was 26 images in total stitched together.  A credit to the Olympus’s in-built stablisation.  As soon as I got home and processed this image I knew I had captured something special.  I now have the image printed off and hanging proudly above the fireplace in my living room.

Field Notes

Camera: Olympus OMD EM5 Mark II

Lens: Olympus M. 40-150mm F2.8

Aperture: F/8

Exposure: 1/250 sec

ISO: 200