Image of the Month

February 2023

The Spectacular Aurora Borealis

Sunday 26 February was a beautiful day with clear skies and unusually low wind and very cold.  The rest of February had been dull, cloudy and uninspiring.

In the evening, I got an amber alert on my mobile from an aurora app that informs you of aurora activity.   I had a quick look out the back of the house to see if the skies were clear.  Not only were they clear but I could clearly see the aurora from the back garden.  I was so excited and scrambled to get my camera gear together. 

The aurora was very active and unusually high in the sky for Scotland.  Normally the arc just shows above the horizon in Scotland but will show higher at more northerly latitudes such as Norway. 

My first photo came up showing a red, pinkish glow. I quickly captured some panoramas which allowed me to take in as much of the arc and colourful red glow as possible.

I stayed out a couple of hours and was frozen by this point but it was worth getting cold.  I was ecstatic when I got home.