Mountain Hare and Ptarmigan Feeding Time

After apalling weather throughout February, finally there was a small weather window at the end of the month to allow me to finally get up to the ptarmigan since I was there last in December. Weather conditions were as forecast, no cloud, little or no wind and well below freezing, perfect.  There were groups of males and groups of females, they were very feisty and approaching them was difficult as conditions underfoot were icy.  I was having a well earned break and was watching a group of ptarmigan when I noticed this hare coming up the hillside very tentively approaching the ptarmigan, they were all grazing on the exposed heather, the next thing it stopped and grazed alongside them for a few minutes before moving on of it’s own accord, the ptarmigan were not phased at all as if it was a common occurance.  My two favourite mountain species in the one photo, perfect!