APRIL 2022

Look behind you!

The next shorebird to visit the beach was the purple sandpiper.  The first time I had seen the purple sandpiper was from a distance many years ago on a stormy winters day.  They were sheltering with a group of ruddy turnstones and common plovers.

This time, as I was walking along the beach I saw a stocky little wader.  I had no idea what it was until I took the binoculars out to get a closer look.  To my amazement here was a wee group of the purple sandpiper perched on the rocks getting splashed with the waves from the incoming tide.   Their plumage was so well camouflaged against the rocks.  I stood observing their behaviour through the binoculars and watched them jump the incoming waves but not fly away with the power of the waves.  It was fascinating to watch and I quickly grew very fond of these wee birds.  Over the few weeks I had with them before they departed for their breeding grounds. I captured still images and video of their behaviour.  I eagerly await to see them again at the end of the year.  

Purple sandpipers are mainly a winter visitor to the UK.  With only one or two pairs breeding in summer.  The breeding location is kept secret to protect them from egg thieves and disturbance.