Winter frost covered Larch Trees

Well, it has been another strange year living with the restrictions of the COVID 19 pandemic.  But the year seems to have passed in a flash, or is it just the years are going in faster as I am getting older.  

I had been hoping for the frosty, crisp and snowy weather conditions we had last winter, but sadly has not to be.  There has been no snow worth talking about and frosts have been few and far between.  So on this day the weekend weather forecast did look more promising, with cold, crisp, windless conditions. Seemed too good to be true.  So I wrapped up well and went off out to see what there was to photograph.  I had planned to do some wildlife photography, but as I was waiting and looking around, I noticed the sunlight streaming through the Larch Trees in the distance, the branches were illuminated by the gorgeous soft winter light.   So wildlife photography put on hold, I took a few different compositions and settled on this one.   It was a lovely way to end the year.  Let’s hope that 2022 will be a better year.